Condom Company Donates 365 Days Worth of Condoms to American Pop Star
Condom powerhouse NuVo is known for taking a strong stand against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases for young adults. The company has already donated over 200,000 condoms to young adults this year alone.
NuVo condoms have not even hit store shelves yet, slated for national release in the autumn, but are available online now. However, the brand has poised itself as a front-runner in the fight against unwanted STD’s or pregnancies in the nation’s youth and this recent course of action will raise a few eyebrows, but also get teens and young adults excited about the idea of safer sex.
Two of Hollywood’s biggest teenage stars, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber, are currently at the top of the “It” list for teen couples. With such a following of the young couple and two hot careers to protect, the couple is aware of the need for condom protection in their relationship. NuVo decided to take the guesswork out of the couple’s relationship by sending Justin Beiber 365 free condoms, one for every day of the year.
The company sees the need for safe sex in this particular couple as well as the chance to have Selena and Justin as positive role models to young adults and teens, which may be thinking about or have already become sexually active. If teens see these “idols” promoting safe sex, they are more likely to view the practice as cool and join the movement for sexual health in today’s youth.
NuVo not only wants to use the couple as proof that undertaking safe sex is ‘cool’, though. The company produces high-quality condoms packaged in a cool, urban edgy packaging. Promising to be a competitively priced product of great quality and an attractive look, NuVo intends to take the market by storm.
The products on offer from this company include; lubricated condoms (Lube), ultra-thin condoms for maximum closeness (Nude), and XXL- the condom for males who need a larger fit. NuVo also sells a combination packet, called LIQuid, which contains lubricated condoms and an extra packet of lubricant for the ultimate sensation.
Focusing on a younger genre of consumers, NuVo condoms has set its sights on safe sex. The company hopes to capture the attention of sexually active youths who may not be already using condoms. By sending Justin Beiber 365 condoms, enough for a year of safe sex, NuVo has placed itself in the limelight.
The company expects that many fans will look on this relationship between Selena Gomez and Beiber as something to strive for in their own lives. If Gomez and Beiber go on record as to being safe-sex partners, there is a huge chance that many other young couples will follow suit, and this means that the potential to stop the spread of STD’s is huge. It is the desire of the NuVo brand to make using condoms cool because they know there is nothing cool about STD’s or unplanned pregnancies.
This article was written by Robert Kirk from Johnnys In A Jiffy. A UK online company who sell a full range of durex condoms and lubrications.